Dr. Bruce J. MacLennan has a BS in mathematics (with honors, 1972) from Florida State University, and an MS (1974) and PhD (1975) in computer science from Purdue University. He was a senior software engineer at Intel, and a professor at the Naval Postgraduate School and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. His research is in artificial intelligence, artificial life, self-organizing systems, and philosophy of mind. For more than forty years, MacLennan has also been a student of ancient Greek and Roman philosophy and religion. He has published journal articles and book chapters on Neoplatonic spiritual practices, Jungian psychology, and neurotheology. MacLennan is invited regularly to give international presentations and offers regular workshops on Neoplatonic spiritual practice, Pythagoreanism, theurgy, and related subjects. He lives near Knoxville, Tennessee. Website: WisdomOfHypatia.com