James Marcus was born in the literary hotbed of Paterson, NJ, and grew up in the New York area. He is the author of "Amazonia: Five Years at the Epicenter of the Dot-Com Juggernaut" and a half-dozen translations from the Italian, the most recent being Giacomo Casanova's "The Duel." His work has appeared many publications, including the Atlantic, the Los Angeles Times Book Review, Salon, the Nation, Raritan, the Paris Review, and the Village Voice, and his essay "Faint Music" was selected for "Best American Essays 2009."
He is Deputy Editor at Harper's Magazine, after a three-year tenure at the Columbia Journalism Review. He blogs about books, music, and miscellaneous stuff at House of Mirth. A collection of essays from CJR called "Second Read," which he edited and introduced, will be published by Columbia University Press in November.