Scott Allie writes and edits comics and stories for Dark Horse Comics and Glimmer Train Press. He's the longtime editor of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Hellboy, and brought The Umbrella Academy, Beasts of Burden, and The Goon to Dark Horse. His focus has been horror comics since a young age, which is reflected in his writing and his editing, including his first published work, Sick Smiles, a horror anthology. With Sick Smiles (1994-1996) he formed long-lasting collaborative friendships, including Kevin McGovern, with whom he created Exurbia in '94 and finally released the graphic novel in 2009. He rejoined Todd Herman, another Sick Smiles artist, in 2006 to create The Fog, a prequel to the great John Carpenter film. He's the writer or Dark Horse's adaptation of Robert E Howard's Solomon Kane, where he delves into the pulp traditions that his grandfather turned him onto as a young boy. He's currently hard at work on the sequel to his first creator owned series, The Devil's Footprints, set in his home town of Ipswich, MA. He now lives with his son in Portland, Oregon. Follow him on Twitter, where he mainly posts while on solo roadtrips through the Northwest, which he thinks extends east through the Dakotas and south through Nevada.