I have been working as a sign language interpreters for more than 30 years and now specialize in legal interpreting. My interest in culture goes way back. I've always found myself gravitating to a voice with a foreign accent in order to gain some perspective on my world by looking at it through other eyes, as well as traveling as much as I can. I began learning ASL at CSUN when I was an actress in Los Angeles, after I saw a theater production with expressive Deaf actors. I quickly fell in love with the visual language and noticed what seemed like alternate ways that Deaf people approached many things. It was not until I discovered the field of Intercultural Communication in graduate school that everything clicked. I realized that a cultural perspective could explain so much about the interactions I witnessed and later interpreted for between Deaf and hearing people. I've been invited to present on the subject of culture and sign language interpreting in Japan, Denmark, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Canada, England and all over the U.S.. After immersing myself in the study of culture and writing about it as it applied to interpreters, I broadened my explorations to include food. I write for newspapers, magazines and websites about the intersection of food and culture. My goal is the same: to understand myself as a cultural being and help others to gain the insight that there are a host of varying perspectives in our world. My blog, East Bay Ethnic Eats, www.eastbayethniceats.com And a website I share with Thomas K. Holcomb, Deaf Culture THAT, www.deafculturethat.com