In 1954, the famously reclusive former child prodigy C. H. Dalton was born to a family of wealthy robber barons in New Haven, Connecticut. It was there that he first developed his passion for anthropology, making frequent exploratory journeys "below stairs" to observe the everyday lives of his family's servants. This only after having been dissuaded from an early interest in lepidoptery by a father who deemed butterflies "too faggy" for his only son and heir.
At 14, Dalton received a full scholarship to study anthropology, but he instead concentrated in the biological sciences, hoping to prove a chemical and genetic basis for his earlier observations. Fascinated by both taxonomy and the promise of eugenics, Dalton strove to more perfectly categorize all humankind according to their genetic predispositions.
After receiving his Ph.D. in just three years, Dalton accepted the prestigious Charles Lindbergh professorship in Ethnography at the Institute for Advanced Studies in New Jersey, where he teaches an intensive course load of two lectures every other semester. He has never married.