Victoria L. Bernhardt

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Dr. Victoria Bernhardt, Ph.D., is the Executive Director of Education for the Future (, a not-for-profit initiative, whose mission is to build the capacity of learning organizations at all levels to gather, analyze, and use data to continuously improve teaching and learning. She is also a Professor (currently on leave) in the College of Communication and Education at California State University, Chico.

Dr. Bernhardt is the author of numerous books that document her research working with learning organizations all over the world to assist them with their continuous school improvement and comprehensive data analysis work. Her publications include "Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement," Third Edition; "Data, Data Everywhere: Bring All the Data Together for Continuous School Improvement;" "Translating Data into Information to Improve Teaching and Learning;" a four-book collection of "Using Data to Improve Student Learning" in elementary, middle, and high schools, as well as in an entire district; "The School Portfolio;" and "The School Portfolio Toolkit: A Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation Guide for Continuous School Improvement."

She co-authored "Response to Intervention (RtI) and Continuous School Improvement (CSI): Using Data, Vision and Leadership to Design, Implement, and Evaluate a Schoolwide Prevention System" with Connie L. Hebert, and "From Questions to Actions: Using Questionnaire Data for Continuous School Improvement" with Bradley J. Geise. All of these books are published by Routledge. Dr. Bernhardt authored a chapter in three editions of "Powerful Professional Designs for Professional Learning," published by the National Staff Development Council. She has also written for many educational magazines and journals.

Victoria Bernhardt is passionate about her mission of helping all educators continuously improve teaching and learning in classrooms, schools, districts, states, provinces, and countries by gathering, analyzing, and using actual data——as opposed to using hunches and "gut-level" feelings. She has made presentations and keynote addresses at numerous professional meetings, and has conducted thousands of workshops on comprehensive data analysis and continuous school improvement.

Dr. Bernhardt can be reached at:

Education for the Future

Telephone: (530) 898-4482


