Phillip Moffitt


In 1987 Phillip Moffitt walked away from his highly successful post as chief executive and editor-in-chief of "Esquire" magazine to focus on his inner life. After leaving "Esquire," Phillip spent most of his time studying Theravada Buddhism and practicing vipassana (insight meditation). He also became interested in the mind-body connection and studied yoga, Jungian psychology, aikido, and somatic healing techniques. After he had been practicing vipassana for seven years, Phillip was invited by Jack Kornfield, the founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center, to participate in Spirit Rock's three-year teacher training. In 1998 after completing his teacher training, Phillip established the Marin Sangha in San Rafael, Calif. In addition to teaching the Marin Sangha, Phillip travels throughout the U.S. and Canada leading silent meditation retreats and is co-guiding teacher at Spirit Rock. Phillip's primary teachers are Ajahn Sumedho and Sri Swami Balyogi Premvarni. Between 1999 and 2006, Phillip wrote a regular column for "Yoga Journal" called "Dharma Wisdom." And in 2008 he published his first book about living the dharma in daily life, "Dancing with Life: Buddhist Insights for Finding Meaning and Joy in the Face of Suffering." In addition to devoting himself to teaching the dharma, Phillip also does what he calls "Life Balance" work, a process he developed for helping others find more meaning and a greater sense of well-being in their lives. In 1991 he founded the Life Balance Institute ( You can access Phillip's teachings at



