James Luchte is a philosopher, political thinker, writer and poet.
He is engaged in the philosophy of existence (Early Greek thought, Marx, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Bataille, Foucault and Schürmann) and the role of language, action and art in the disclosure of truth and in the transformation of concrete existence.
His books include Mortal Thought: Holderlin and Philosophy (2016), Marx and the Revolution of the Sacred (2015), Of the Feral Children: A Mayan Farce (2012/2015), Early Greek Thought: Before the Dawn (2011), The Peacock and the Buffalo: The Poetry of Nietzsche (bi-lingual second edition, 2010), Pythagoras and the Doctrine of Transmigration (2009), Heidegger's Early Philosophy: The Phenomenology of Ecstatic Temporality (2008), Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra: Before Sunrise (2008), and Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (2007).
To read his essays, visit his website James Luchte: Philosophy at http://luchte.wordpress.com.