Heather Suzanne Lonczak

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Heather S. Lonczak holds a PhD in educational psychology and a master's degree in clinical psychology. She completed her MA practicum at Western Psychiatric Institute and was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the Department of Psychology at the University of Washington. She has extensive experience as a research scientist in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, social work, and is a certified DSM-5 clinical interviewer. She has published numerous peer-reviewed social science articles and ten children's books aimed at promoting positive youth development and empathy for animals. Dr. Lonczak lives in Seattle with her beloved family and pets.

Literary Fiction Books:

Lonczak, H. (2024). The Fragility of Light. Seattle: Heather Lonczak.

Children's Books:

Lonczak, H. (2021). Mookey the Monkey: Gets Over Being Teased. Seattle: Heather Lonczak.

Lonczak, H. (2021). Paddy Poopenhopper: A Tale of Kindness and Gratitude. Seattle: Heather Lonczak.

Lonczak, H. (2021). The Fig Tree: A Lesson in Gratitude. Seattle: Heather Lonczak.

Lonczak, H. (2020). Mighty Zoe. Seattle: Heather Lonczak.

Lonczak, H. (2020). Penelope Windpipes. Seattle: Heather Lonczak.

Lonczak, H. (2020). Fletcher and the Fledgling. Seattle: Heather Lonczak.

Lonczak, H. (2019). Gus Becomes a Big Brother. Seattle: Heather Lonczak.

Lonczak, H. (2019). My friend Gideon. Seattle: Heather Lonczak.

Lonczak, H. (2007). Mookey the monkey gets over being teased. Washington, D.C.: Magination Press.

Lonczak, H. (2006). Henry's Ride. Seattle: Heather Lonczak.

First-Auhthored Scholarly Publications:

Lonczak, H.S., Thomas, L.R., & Donovan et al. (2013). Navigating the tide together: Early collaboration between tribal and academic partners in a CBPR study.

Lonczak, H.S., Fernandez, A., Austin, L., & Marlatt, G.A. (2007). Family Structure and substance use among American Indian youth.

Lonczak, H.S., Neighbors, D., & Donovan, D.M. (2007). Predicting risky and angry driving as a function of gender.

Lonczak, H.S, Clifasefi, S., Marlatt, G.A., & Blume, A. (2006). Religious coping and psychological functioning in a correctional population.

Lonczak, H.S., Abbott, R.D., Hawkins, J.D., & Catalano, R.F. (2002). Effects of the Seattle Social Development Project on Sexual Behavior, Pregnancy, Birth, and STD Outcomes by Age 21.

Lonczak, H.S., Huang, B., & Catalano et al. (1999). The social predictors of adolescent alcohol misuse: A test of the Social Development Model.
