Dave Gerr (rhymes with "bear") is a naval architect who designs both yachts and commercial vessels. Gerr is the author of Propeller Handbook, The Elements of Boat Strength , The Nature of Boats, and Boat Mechanical Systems Handbook , all published by International Marine/McGraw-Hill. He has written over 400 articles on boats and boat design that have appeared in almost every major boating magazine, and he has been a contributing editor for Yachting, Offshore, and Boatbuilder magazines. A graduate of the Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology, Gerr studied physics at New York University and industrial design at Pratt Institute. A Chartered Engineer (CEng) and a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA), Gerr served as the director of the Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology from 2003 through 2015. He is a senior lecturer at SUNY Maritime College, where he teaches engineering graphics, applied naval architecture, and boat design.