William R. Yount


William "Rick" Yount (1948- ) was born in Clinton, Indiana and grew up in El Paso, Texas and Great Neck, New York. For 45 years he has been intimately engaged in the study and practice of teaching and learning, especially as it relates to personal growth. For ten years, he worked with the deaf -- in churches in New York, Virginia, and Texas, as well as Gallaudet University in Washington, DC -- and developed much of his insight into teaching from those experiences. For the last 30 years he has taught masters' courses and doctoral seminars in educational psychology and principles of teaching at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. For the last 14 years, he has carried these principles on short-term teaching trips to Bible institutes in Russia, Ukraine, Brazil, Germany, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan. In 2008 he received special honor from Broadman & Holman Publishers for his extensive influence through writing in the field of Christian Education. In 2009 he received the Christian Educator of the Year Award from the North American Professors of Christian Education association.



