Heath Hamrick

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When he's not writing, you can find Heath Hamrick teaching history...but will you recognize him? Depending upon what he's teaching (and his mood), he might be dressed in a full suit of medieval armor, walking into a Starbucks in a Roman Centurion's get-up, or serving as a door-man in full Musketeer regalia. Whether he is directing, teaching, or writing, Hamrick is looking to engage, and if that means wearing more pounds of chain mail in the withering Texas heat than is healthy for anyone not from the planet Krypton, then so be it!

The son of a football coach and a drill-team instructor, Hamrick grew up spending summers with a grandparent who got in on the ground floor of the VCR boom and amassed a collection of hundreds of tapes, each one recorded off of the TBS Superstation's daily programming. That meant an immersion in the films of John Wayne, Errol Flynn, and anything else in black and white, and a passion for two things: history's little dramas and telling a good story.
