Roger I. Abrams

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Roger I. Abrams is the Richardson Professor of Law at Northeastern University School of Law in Boston. An honors graduate of Cornell University and the Harvard Law School, Professor Abrams is a recognized authority on Sports Law. He has published four books on the business of sports: LEGAL BASES: BASEBALL AND THE LAW (TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1998); THE MONEY PITCH: BASEBALL FREE AGENCY AND SALARY ARBITRATION (TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2000); THE FIRST WORLD SERIES AND THE BASEBALL FANATICS OF 1903 (NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY PRES, 2003); THE DARK SIDE OF THE DIAMOND: GAMBLING, VIOLENCE, DRUGS AND ALCOHOLISM IN THE NATIONAL PASTIME (ROUNDER BOOKS, 2008). His fifth book, SPORTS JUSTICE: THE BUSINESS AND LAW OF SPORTS, will be published by University Press of New England in October 2010.

Professor Abrams has served as a Major League Baseball salary arbitrator starting in 1986, and he is regularly asked to comment on legal and economic issues involving the national game by the print and electronic media. His blog on the business of sports is featured on Huffington Post. In the fall of 2006, Professor Abrams served as Scholar-in-Residence at the Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum in Cooperstown, New York.
