As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I work as a psychotherapist, a teacher, and a Board Certified Life Coach. For 38 years, my primary focus has been working with couples. I am the author of two books on wholehearted relationships: Love Cycles: The Five Essential Stages of Lasting Love, which has been translated into four languages; and Love Skills, a new release as of February 2020. To educate people on the steps to true intimacy, I am a frequent presenter and inner fitness coach at the renowned Rancho la Puerta wellness center in Tecate, Mexico, as well as other venues across the US. I speak about relationship issues on radio programs and podcasts, write for many online magazines, and work with couples all over the country through both virtual and in person counseling. I have always been fascinated by the deep meaning of being human. Throughout my adult life, I’ve studied psychology, poetry, philosophy, spirituality, and literature, and I’ve come to understand how those realms enrich and intertwine with one another. I have found that my own everyday challenges—maintaining a loving, long-term relationship; raising children; developing my career; facing illness; and grieving the loss of people I love—have been my most valuable teachers and the sources of my greatest life lessons. The primary message I convey through my books, public speaking and counseling work is that although love is a feeling, a wholehearted relationship is a skill set. I live in Corvallis, Oregon, with my veterinarian husband and our dog Jackson, an Australian Labradoodle. I have five children and nine grandchildren. Find me on the web at and follow me on Instagram at lindacarrollofficial.