Dr. Richard S. Hess is Distinguished Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages at Denver Seminary, and is also the editor of the Denver Journal, Denver Seminary’s online theological review journal. He is the founder and editor of the Bulletin for Biblical Research’s Supplement Series and co-editor of the Septuagint Commentary Series. He researches and writes in areas of Old Testament exegesis and theology, Hebrew and ancient Near Eastern languages, biblical archaeology, and topics such as the transcendent value of human life and healing in biblical times. He is currently preparing a commentary on 2 Kings for Eerdmans’s NICOT Series.
Having lectured at more than one hundred scholarly societies, universities, and colleges, he has recently given invited lectures at Jerusalem University College, Jerusalem; Gateway Seminary, Ontario, California; Westmont College, Santa Barbara; Lanier Theological Library, Houston; and the Irish Bible Institute, Dublin. Dr. Hess is a member of the Committee On Bible Translation for the New International Version.
With his wife, Dr. Hess co-pastors 316, a Celtic Christian church in Denver, Colorado. He also regularly ministers in churches and teaches adult groups. He is happiest spending time with his children and grandchildren.
Denver Seminary Journal: https://denverseminary.edu/denver-journal/