Ted Coletti

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Dr. Ted Coletti is an aquarist and water gardener from New Jersey, United States. An aquarist for 40 years, he presents programs around the USA and Canada, and has written over 200 articles and 2 books.

Ted is the former Editor of the Journal of the American Livebearer Association, and was the livebearer columnist for FAMA and TFH magazines from 2000-2010. Ted’s book, "Aquarium Care of Livebearing Fish", is published by TFH-Animal Planet.

Since the late 90's, Ted has been the aquarium hobby’s evangelizer for "summer tubbing": observing and working with fishes, aquatic plants, and other life up close in attractively designed container ponds. His acclaimed second book, "The Tub Pond Handbook," is in its 3rd edition (revised.3).

Ted maintains an extensive collection of antique small aquaria, vintage books, and historic hobby items. In 2002, he founded the Aquarium Hobby Historical Society of America. They currently analyze and archive the history of the hobby as an active Facebook Group.

Born and raised in The Bronx, New York City, Ted is a psychologist by training and works in the field of oncology therapeutics and epidemiology. He is a Master Breeder and Senior Grower at the North Jersey Aquarium Society. In 2019, he founded the Skylands Aquarium & Water Garden Group. At his home in the lovely New Jersey Skylands, Ted maintains a small fishroom, many guitars, 30 tub ponds, and 1 very patient wife.
