Barbara Haworth-Attard was born in Elmira, Ontario and presently lives in London, Ontario. She has been haunting libraries since she was ten years old. And she has been writing since then, first in diaries...that her four brothers would steal and read! Her first poem was accepted by The Toronto Star Teen page when she was thirteen. At fourteen she taught herself to play guitar and wrote songs, and played in coffee houses, despite being a terrible singer. She writes in the Middle-Grade and YA genre. Her first book, Dark of the Moon, was published in 1995. She has had sixteen books published world-wide, numerous short stories in magazines and anthologies and has been the recipient of the Arthur Ellis Award, Saskatchewan Snow Willow Young Readers' Choice Award, BC YA Stellar Award, and has been a finalist for multiple awards including the Governor-General's Award. She can find more about Barbara at her website: