MIKE SAGER is a best-selling author and award-winning reporter. A former Washington Post staff writer under Watergate investigator Bob Woodward, he worked closely, during his years as a contributing editor to Rolling Stone, with gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson. Sager is the author or editor of more than a dozen books, including essays, novels, biography and texts. For more than twenty years he has written for Esquire. In 2010 he won the American Society of Magazine Editors’ National Magazine Award for profile writing. Many of his stories have inspired films, including Boogie Nights, with Mark Wahlberg, and Veronica Guerin, with Cate Blanchett. For more information, please see www.MikeSager.com. In 2012 The Sager Group was chartered as multi-media content brand, with the intent of empowering those who make art--an umbrella beneath which makers can pursue, and profit from, their craft directly, without gatekeepers. TSG publishes eBooks and on-demand print books; ministers to artists and provides modest grants; designs logos and products; and produces documentary, feature, and web-based films. By harnessing the means of production, The Sager Group helps artists help themselves. For more information, please see www.TheSagerGroup.net