I was a lucky child growing up in Connecticut in a home filled with pets and an occasional orphaned wild animal. I showed an early interest in the natural world. At only two years old I amazed my mother with a drawing of a butterfly. When I was a little older, I explored the woods behind our house with my father, whose love of nature was infectious. That early passion for wildlife is reflected in many of my books, including EYE GUESS, ANIMALS BLACK AND WHITE, and ANIMALS IN CAMOUFLAGE.
When I had learned to read and write, I began to make up stories with illustrations. By the time I was a teenager I knew I wanted to be and author and illustrator of children's books. I was thrilled to receive a scholarship to the prestigious art college, Rhode Island School of Design, where I majored in Illustration. I was chosen to be a European Honors Student studying in Italy for my senior year.
After graduation I was a graphic designer for many years before my lucky break with my first book contract from Charlesbridge for COUNTING ON CALICO. They have been my publisher since 1995. I have written and illustrated books on subjects such as pets and wildlife, an ethnic tale (THE MAGIC BABUSHKA), and a book on the deaf culture (THE GARDEN WALL), and baby board books. My most recent board book is BABY'S FIRST BOOK OF BIRDS AND COLORS. My 24th picture book, BUNNY'S BIG SURPRISE, was released January 2020.
With my picture books I hope to instill a sense of wonder and discovery in young readers.