Frank R. Spellman


Mt.St Helens in background; have finished annual spring, summer and fall sweep of southwest and pacific northwest in pursuit of photos for upcoming books.Retired USN Naval Officer 26 years active duty. Retired Safety Manager for large WW Sanitation District, 14 years. Retired Asst Professor of Environmental Health at ODU, Norfolk, Va. Author of 142 books with contracts for several more. Teach short courses in water/wastewater operations for Va Tech, Blacksburg, VA. Consult for U.S. Dept of Justice on Accident Cases and various law firms in U.S. on accident investigations involving W/WW treatment or for military establishments. Consult with private industry on safety, health, environmental and personal mishap concerns, etc. Traced and documented ancient drinking water system at Machu Picchu, Peru...and traced pollution sources of upper Amazon in Ecuador. Surveyed drinking water supplies on Galapagos Islands and studied Darwin's Finches near Santa Cruz Island.



