Peter A. Hall


Leadership expert Pete Hall describes himself as a capacity-builder, someone for whom the growth of others is his primary calling. Over the past two decades, he has spoken to thousands of audiences in over 40 states and across the globe, providing motivation, strategy, and human connection to people in all walks of life: executives, teachers, stand-up comedians, custodians, professional athletes, social workers, you name it. His ideal audience? Anyone and everyone who wants to get better. Pete and his wife, Mindy, live in Idaho and run two small businesses: Strive Success Solutions, a corporate consulting firm focusing on companies, organizations, offices, and individuals interested in learning, growing, coalescing, improving, and generally "ruling" the day; and EducationHall LLC, a professional-development firm designed to support teachers, principals, superintendents, school boards, and others within the education system through professional learning, coaching, mentoring, and the development of teaching and learning resources. Among those resources are the 12 books Pete has authored or co-authored. The first ten are specific to education; together, they've sold nearly one million copies and brokered relationships between educators, the students they serve, and a brighter, more joyous, more connected future. The 11th is a young-adult novel, Chasing the Show—feel free to visit to check that one out. #12 is "Always Strive to Be a Better You: How ordinary people can live extraordinary lives." Pete's email is, you can find him on Twitter and LinkedIn, and you can access additional resources and information about Strive Success Solutions at and on Strive's Facebook page.



