I am a psychotherapist, educator, international author, and an expert on the psychology of eating--the how and why, not the what, of it. For more than three decades, my mission has been to help people with eating and weight concerns learn to eat "normally" and develop a positive, healthy relationship with food and their bodies. My therapy practice is in Sarasota, FL and I also do tele-therapy in state. As a recovered chronic dieter and binge-eater, I meld my personal recovery wisdom with my professional knowledge and extensive clinical experience to resolve eating problems.
My books are: Helping Doctors Outsmart Overeating, Starting Monday, Nice Girls Finish Fat, The Rules of "Normal" Eating, Outsmarting Overeating, The Food and Feelings Workbook, and What Every Therapist Needs to Know about Treating Eating and Weight Issues.
Visit my website--www.karenrkoenig.com.
Read my blogs--www.karenrkoenig.com
Try out my free Facebook app, APPetite--http://apps.facebook.com/app-etite.
Join my Facebook Nice Girls Fan Club--http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nice-Girls-Finish-Fat/114097795301428, and follow me on YouTube-- http://www.youtube.com/user/KarenRKoenig and Twitter--http://twitter.com/KarenRKoenig