April Elliott Kent

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April Elliott Kent has been a professional astrologer since 1990. She is the author of "Astrological Transits" (Fair Winds Press 2015), "The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology" (Alpha/Penguin 2011), and "Star Guide to Weddings" (Llewellyn 2008). April's astrological writing has also appeared in Llewellyn's Moon Sign, Sun Sign, and Sabbats Almanac Books, The Mountain Astrologer and Dell Horoscope magazines, and online at Beliefnet and Tarot.com. A graduate of San Diego State University, April is a member of the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) and the Authors Guild. She lives with her husband and two cats in San Diego, California. Her website is bigskyastrology.com.
