Jill A Grimes


Jill Grimes, MD, FAAFP, is a nationally recognized medical media expert, award-winning author, and proud mom of two awesome collegiate daughters. After two decades of private practice, Dr. Grimes now splits her time between writing, speaking, volunteering for public health initiatives, and seeing patients. She also enjoys speaking at American Academy of Family Physicians, Pri-Med®, and Harvard Medical School conferences. Dr. Grimes loves creating and thinking outside the box- in and out of medicine. She and her daughters were involved with scouting for a decade, then joined the National Charity League to continue mother-daughter service to their community. Favorite charities? Saint Louise House and Mobile Loaves & Fishes. Pet peeve? Fast-food medicine. "Stop popping pills for problems that lifestyle modifications will solve. Medicines are wonderful and often necessary, but let's not rely on them to be the whole solution."



