Stephanie Spellers


The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers is a Canon to Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and spearheads Episcopal efforts around evangelism, racial reconciliation and creation care. She also serves on the clergy team at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church in New York City. Prior to her current ministry, she served as Chaplain to the Episcopal House of Bishops, directed and taught mission and evangelism at General Theological Seminary, and served as Canon for Missional Vitality in the Diocese of Long Island. Her professional ministry began at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Boston, where she acted as the cathedral’s Minister for Radical Welcome and founded The Crossing, a ground-breaking church now in its 17th year. The author of "The Church Cracked Open: Disruption, Decline and New Hope for Beloved Community," an updated edition of "Radical Welcome: Embracing God, The Other and the Spirit of Transformation," and "The Episcopal Way" (with Eric Law), Stephanie has led renewal and justice efforts within and beyond the Episocpal Church. She started out as an award-winning religion journalist in Knoxville, Tennessee, a job she took in 1996 upon graduation from Harvard Divinity School, where she studied religion and movements for social change. She later graduated from Episcopal Divinity School and, in 2019, received an honorary doctorate from the General Theological Seminary. A native of Frankfort, Kentucky, she and her husband Albert deGrasse are grateful their cat Babette allows them to share her home in New York's Harlem neighborhood. Stephanie meets God especially when she’s dancing and singing, listening and building bridges, and helping people to fall in love with God.



