Victor Cunrui Xiong received his Ph. D. in Asian History from the Australian National University (1989), taught history at the University of Iowa, and is at present professor of history at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Among his scholarly publications are "A Study of Capital Cities and Urban Form in Premodern China: Luoyang 1038 BCE–938 CE" (Routledge) "Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty: His Life, Times, and Legacy" (SUNY) "Sui-Tang Chang'an: A Study in the Urban History of Medieval China" (U of Michigan) "Historical Dictionary of Medieval China" (Scarecrow) His annotated translation of the 8th century Chinese masterpiece on historiography, the "Shitong," will be published by U of Wash. Press. He appears in a documentary by NHNZ and Discovery Channel entitled "Man Made Marvels: China's Forgotten City," which is in part based on his book on Chang'an. He is also the author of "Heavenly Khan," a historical novel based on the true story of Li Shimin (also known as Tang Taizong).