Debbie Ducommun


Debbie Ducommun, known as "The Rat Lady" since 1985, is internationally recognized as an expert on domestic rats. She has worked as a veterinary assistant, dog obedience instructor, manager of a humane society, and manager of the rat laboratory at California State University at Chico. She graduated from CSU, Chico with honors and a bachelor of arts degree in Animal Behavior, and has also completed graduate classes in nutrition. Ducommun has had numerous articles published in national animal magazines and since 1997 has written a column on small animals for "Pet Business" magazine. In 1992 she founded The Rat Fan Club, and she wrote and published the Rat Report, a monthly newsletter for rat owners, until 2005. She also writes and publishes the "Rat Health Care" booklet, which is in its 15th edition and has sold well over 10,000 copies. Ducommun is author of the rat care book titled "Rats, Practical Accurate Advice from the Expert," published by Bowtie Press in 1998 and revised and reprinted in 2002, and "The Complete Guide to Rat Training" published by TFH Publications in 2008. Ducommun has promoted rats on numerous TV and radio shows, and has also given numerous talks on rat and small animal care in classrooms and at Pet Fairs and Expos. She is consulted by veterinarians because of her extensive knowledge of rat health. She continues to expand her knowledge of rats on a daily basis. Ducommun lives in Chico, CA with her husband and a varying number of rats.


