Cece Meng

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I was born in Walnut Creek, California, the middle child of five kids. Don't believe everything you hear about the forgotten middle child. We have our methods for getting noticed. My siblings excelled at everything academic. I excelled at daydreaming. My parents were not amused.

My experiences volunteering at a homeless shelter while in college helped me understand the importance of communication and the role it plays in how we see and understand each other as a society. It also showed me how grownups are instrumental in giving kids hope, health, and inspiration to succeed.

My thoughts on writing? For me, it's about the music and the rhythms found in words. The joys of my childhood - music and poetry - wrapped up in the words of today. I love to honor the impulses of our spirited children. I tell my kids I have the best job in the world. I'm a professional daydreamer.

Learn more at www.cecemengbooks.com
