Kent Edwards (1958- ) was born in Toronto Canada. He pastored and church planted in Canada for 18 years before accepting Haddon Robinson's invitation to join him on the preaching faculty and direct the Doctor of Ministry program at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. In 2004, he joined the faculty of the Talbot School of Theology at BIOLA University where he serves as Professor of Preaching & Leadership and directs their Doctor of Ministry program. Kent writes: My passion for preaching is reflected in the two books I have written. My first book, 'Effective First-Person Biblical Preaching,' reflects my conviction that the entire biblical text (its form as well as its words) need to be reflected in a sermon . . . if that sermon is to be considered truly biblical. The genre of the biblical text needs to impact the form of the sermon. My first book shows you how to do this with narrative literature. My second book, 'Deep Preaching,' pushes the preacher beyond the 'techniques of preaching.' Great preaching . . . preaching that makes a lasting impact in lives and cultures . . . is not produced by clever formulas. It is produced by spiritually deep people who have allowed the Holy Spirit to give them profound insight into the passages they preach. Deep preachers are not spiritually or intellectually arrogant. Like Mary, they sit and learn at God's feet . . . and then tell others what they have heard from him. In addition to my teaching responsibilities I pastor of a small church in the Los Angeles area, where I preach most weekends. I do this because I am passionate about God's church, about preaching God's word, and because I don't think anyone should teach (or write) about what they don't actually do! I hope you share my passions. And I hope these books enrich your ministry!!!