Ross J. Anderson


I currently serve as a teaching pastor at Alpine Church in northern Utah, after serving 28 years as lead pastor at Wasatch Church in Roy, Utah. Born and raised in an active Latter-day Saint family, I love Latter-day Saint culture and people. I met Jesus Christ in a life-changing way as a young adult and began a spiritual journey that led me out of the LDS Church and into a vocation of Christian ministry. As director of Utah Advance Ministries (, I seek to help people who have chosen to leave Mormonism to transition into a healthy new church life and relationship with Jesus. For that reason, I founded and the annual Faith After Mormonism Conference. I also seek to catalyze new churches in Utah to practice ministry in a way relevant to Utah's unique culture. That's why I founded the Culture-Wise podcast. I was married to Nancy for 32 years before she passed away. We have two wonderful adult children, Daniel and Heather. I have been blessed with a new love and married Sally in 2014.



