Roger Leblanc

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Roger LeBlanc has spent a lifetime crafting sentences and concocting stories, from his satirical small-town rag "The Easton-Franklin Dart" written in high school to his new novel "Five Against the Vig."

In between those literary efforts, Roger wrote and edited corporate and alumni newsletters, published a Seattle literary magazine ("The Bean: An Idea Cafe"), served as senior technical editor on dozens of computer-programming books, and authored two books about thoroughbred racing ("The Lazy Bettor's Guide to the Kentucky Derby" and "The Punter's Tale: A Bettor's Quest for Racetrack Profits"). He also cofounded with author Mark Cramer the political blog "Welcome to Fakeville!" on

Roger wrote the Las Vegas-based "Five Against the Vig" to create true-to-life working-class fiction. No gratuitous violence. No superheroes swooping in to save the day. Just realistic characters taking creative measures to survive in a society where the odds are deeply stacked against them.

Originally from Massachusetts, Roger shares a home in the Pacific Northwest with his wife, fellow writer and editor Carmen LeBlanc, and a wonderfully mismatched pack of canines. His writing about horse racing can be found at
