Marian Van Eyk McCain


Trained first as a social worker and then as a psychologist, I worked for many years aa a psychotherapist and health educator. Now 'retired' from the workforce, I am a free-lance writer, an editor, a columnist and the author of eight books. My first book 'TRANSFORMATION THROUGH MENOPAUSE' was published in New York by Bergin & Garvey in 1991. Described by one reviewer as an 'heirloom book,' it was the first to focus on the spiritual and psychological aspects of the 'change of life,' and to reframe this important phase of women's lives as a significant rite of passage and an opportunity for personal growth. It continues to make steady sales, and appears on an increasing number of recommended reading lists for mid-life women. The second book, 'ELDERWOMAN: reap the wisdom, feel the power, embrace the joy,' was published by Findhorn Press in March, 2002. 'ELDERWOMAN' is not only - as the name suggests - a book about aging and personal development, it is also a reminder of the ancient and special relationship which mature women have always had with the Earth and the world of Nature. This book is about reclaiming that special relationship and living it in a way that fits the twenty-first century. It is about women re-owning their power and taking their rightful place as 'wise elders' in a culture that badly needs the benefit of their wisdom and understanding. My next book, 'THE LILYPAD LIST:7 steps to the simple life'is all about living simply and sustainably - and joyfully. This is something which is becoming increasingly important in these days of looming environmental crisis. 'THE LILYPAD LIST' was published by Findhorn Press in 2004 and has now been translated into several languages. In 2006, my first collection of short stories was published by Bean Terrace Books under the title 'APRICOT HARVEST'. And in 2009 I published my first full-length novel, 'THE BIRD MENDERS', a story of love and healing. Returning to non-fiction in 2002, I edited the anthology, 'GREENSPIRIT: PATH TO A NEW CONSCIOUSNESS' published by Earth Books (an imprint and went on to produce two more books for that publishing company, both in their 'Made Easy' series. The first, on one of my favourite themes, simole living, is entitled 'DOWNSHIFING MADE EASY: How to plan for your planet-friendly future' (2011). The second, which draws upon my many years of clinical experience as a therapist, is 'SELF-THERAPY MADE EASY,' published in September 2012. If you visit my primary website at you can find out a whole lot more about me and my work and how to contact me. There you can also sign up for my e-zine and apply for an invitation to the social network I created especially for 'third-age' women. I have two other websites also. These are and I hope you will visit one - or maybe even all - of them. By the way, if you are interested in simple living, somewhere in the bowels of is the 'So You'd Like To' guide that I wrote about that topic, listing all my favourite books on the subject. It is at: (but you will have to copy and paste that into your browser window I'm afraid, as Amazon isn't allowing me to put live links on this page yet. I hope they change that rule soon!)



