Shemane Nugent


Shemane Nugent, a New York Times best-selling author, has been an expert in the health and fitness industry for over forty years. She has been featured on VH1, MTV, CMT, Discovery, C-Span, Entertainment Tonight, FOX, and now hosts Faith & Freedom on Real America’s Voice network. Shemane is an award-winning co-host and producer of Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild TV on Pursuit Channel. Her books include “Married to a Rock Star”, "4 Minutes to Happy", and co-authoring the New York Times best-selling wild game cookbook, “Kill It and Grill It” with her husband, legendary rocker Ted Nugent. In her new book, “Killer House,” Shemane shares the heart-wrenching experience of losing her MTV Cribs home and developing a life-threatening illness due to toxic mold. Is the air in your home killing you? Order KILLER HOUSE today! You'll learn how to recognize, remediate and recover from toxic mold. Check out www.ShemaneNugent.Rocks for FREE health & wellness program, videos and podcasts.


