William Llewellyn


William Llewellyn is a scientist in the field of human performance enhancement. As a former steroid user, his knowledge about anabolic drugs is formed from both real world experience and scientific research. He is eager to share information and experiences with others, and is a longtime supporter of the steroid harm reduction community. William serves as an honorary lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University, assisting educational efforts at its Centre for Public Health. He has contributed to many industry and major media publications over the years, and even been featured on the covers of ESPN Magazine and The Washington Post. As a scientist, William’s most notable accomplishment has been discovering the anabolic role of arachidonic acid supplementation in humans.This is the body’s most active omega-6 fatty acid. Though widely researched in other areas, its ability to support muscle hypertrophy and mitigate training stagnation had not been characterized before his groundbreaking work.



