Alfred L Chan is professor emeritus of political science and a research fellow at Huron University College, Western University, Canada. He is also a research associate with the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto.
After post-graduate studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies, Univ. of London, Chan obtained his doctorate at the University of Toronto. A recipient of his university's award of teaching excellence, Chan has taught at the Univ. of Toronto, Carleton Univ., the Univ. of Calgary, Ryerson Univ. (now Toronto Metropolitan Univ.), and McGill Univ.
Courses he has taught include Asian politics, comparative politics, international relations, comparative communism, Soviet politics, Japanese politics and foreign relations, and the politics of development. For China, his research and teaching interests include Chinese politics, foreign relations, history, leadership, governance, policy-making and implementation, political culture, citizenship, development, regional politics, Mao studies, and research methodology.
Chan has published in the most prestigious academic journals on China and Asia such as The China Quarterly, China Journal, the Journal of Contemporary China, and Pacific Affairs.
Media exposures include quotations/interviews/featured interviews about Chan's research (in English): Agence France-Presse, the Straits Times (Singapore), Reuters, Politico, SupChina (now China Project), Psychology Today, South China Morning Post, Globe and Mail, N. Y. Times, Sunday Times, Financial Times, L. A. Times, the Guardian, the Economist, and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS); (in foreign languages): Mundo, ABC (Spain), Politiken, Weekendavisen (Denmark), Deutsche Welle, Tagesspiegel (Germany), de Volkskrant, Global Voices (The Netherlands), De Jitd, De Standaard (Belgium), Helsingin Sanomat (Finland), and Singdao ribao (in Chinese).
Chan is a life-long aficionado and supporter of the performing arts. Among his many associations he is a member of the President's Council of the Canadian Opera Company, the Patron Council of the National Ballet of Canada, and the Maestro's Club of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. He also enjoys Cantonese and Beijing operas.