José Carlos Carmona

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José Carlos Carmona (Málaga, 1963), Doctor of Philosophy, Professor at the University in the Department of Artistic Education and in the Master's Degree in Creative Writing at the Faculty of Communication at the University of Seville; was the creator and Director of the Master's Degree in Literary Creation at this university and of its Literary Creation Workshop (since 1997), he is the author of the novels "Martino y Martina" and "Sabor a canela", published by Planeta, and "Sabor a chocolate", edited by Punto de Lectura (Santillana) (today Debolsillo, Penguin Random House) of which more than 100,000 copies have been sold (also printed in Mexico and with translations into French, German and Italian, and which a Thesis has been written in Italy); he is also the author of the novels "The perfect hypocrite" and "The year of the hammer"; of the book-chronicle "The candidate -Story of a normal man who wanted to be president"; and the story books "The urban condition -50 literary stories-", "What is an Orchestra Director for", "Stop to think", "Stories for after making love" and "The lost art of conversation "; Alfaguara Novel Award-University of Seville with the work "Una sinfonia concertante"; and author and editing coordinator of some twenty collective books, among which the critics have highlighted "Yo sobre la Tierra", "Ciudad Sur", "Pásame el paté", etc.

He is a member of the Research Team of the Area of Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Seville from where he carries out extensive research on literary techniques of the American story of the 20th century and he is a “Samuel Becket” Degree from the William Shakespeare Literary Order.

He is a Literary Critic at Canal Sur Radio (Andalusian public radio) since 2007.

As a playwright, he is the author, among others, of the play "The Conical Mirror", performed by companies from Las Palmas and Santander, Madrid and Bilbao. In Germany it has been performed by the Fénix Teatro Company in Berlin, in German.

He is also Director and coordinator of the Open Gathering of the Casa del Libro de Sevilla; He was the creator at this venue of the pioneering activity in Spain “Todo Shakespeare”, a participatory reading of the entire work of the English playwright, which was carried out weekly for three uninterrupted years. He has been a Professor at the Andalusian Film School.

He has been Secretary of Culture of the Federation of Artists of the Spanish State and Secretary General of the Union of Actors and Interpreters of Andalusia from 2003 to 2015. He has worked as an actor in feature films such as "El autor" (Netflix, nov 2017), has starred in the film "The Manhattan Project", adaptation of a long story of his and in television series such as "Arrayán" or "Curso del 63" and in theater (Moliere in CAT, Monologues in "Lady Drama", etc.).

In his student years, he was a student of Juan José Millás at the Madrid School of Letters and participated in narrative workshops with José Saramago, José María Guelbenzu, Bernardo Atxaga and Josefina Aldecoa. In Colombia, he took the Course The Art of the Novel, which was taught entirely by Mario Vargas Llosa.

He also develops extensive work in the field of classical music. And he is a Master Mason of the Great Symbolic Lodge of Spain.
