Gregor Hohpe


Gregor Hohpe advises CTOs and technology leaders in the transformation of both their organization and technology platform. Riding the Architect Elevator from the engine room to the penthouse, he assures that corporate strategy connects with the technical implementation and vice versa. Gregor has served as Smart Nation Fellow to the Singapore government, as technical director in Google Cloud’s Office of the CTO, and as Chief Architect at Allianz SE, where he oversaw the architecture of a global data center consolidation and deployed the first private cloud software delivery platform. Gregor is a widely recognized thought leader on asynchronous messaging and service-oriented architectures. He co-authored the seminal book 'Enterprise Integration Patterns' (Addison-Wesley, 2004), followed by "Integration Patterns" and "Enterprise Solution Patterns", both published by Microsoft Press. He was nominated a Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) Solution Architect for his contributions to the developer community and recognized as an active member of the patterns community by the Hillside Group. In 2005, Joel Spolsky selected Gregor's article 'Starbucks Does Not Use Two-phase Commit' for his 'Best Software Writing' (APress). Gregor speaks regularly at technical conferences around the world. He likes to cut through the hype surrounding service-oriented architectures and captures nuggets of advice in the form of design patterns that can help developers avoid costly mistakes. Find out more about his work at and



