Timothy R. Carmody


I earned a Ph.D at The Catholic University of America in 1986 under the direction of Fr. Joseph Fitzmyer, S.J. I have taught scripture (both New and Old Testament) at Spring Hill College in Mobile Alabama for the past 20 years. I knew I had to be a Biblical Scholar when I first studied Hebrew. The language itself seduced me. I am most drawn to narrative study of the Bible - the intelligence and subtlety of the Biblical story tellers constantly amazes me. Right now I am studying the image of the Garden of Eden throughout the entire Bible. I am fascinated how different Biblical authors take up this image and develop it in their own way (Ezekiel, Song of Songs, Isaiah, Gospel of John). The fact that this image forms brackets around the Christian Bible seems significant to me - the Bible begins (essentially) with this story in Genesis 2-3 and ends with this image in Revelation 21. So I have my work cut out for me in seeking to discover what this all might mean.


