Mary Lea Hill


Sister Mary Lea Hill, a member of the Daughters of St. Paul since 1964, has enjoyed communicating the faith through a variety of apostolic assignments. Her skills as a story teller were honed as director of audiovisual productions when Pauline Books & Media first produced animated features in the early 80s. An editor and author for many years, Sister Mary Lea has written several books, including the best-selling Basic Catechism (co-authored with Sister Susan Helen Wallace). You can find her amid piles of well read theology books or on social media @crabbymystic. Titles with Pauline: Prayer and You: Wit and Wisdom from the Crabby Mystic Blessed Are the Stressed: Secrets to a Happy Heart from a Crabby Mystic Complaints of the Saints: Stumbling Upon Holiness with the Crabby Mystic Growing in Virtue One Vice at a Time with the Crabby Mystic The Church Rocks! A History of the Catholic Church for Kids and their Parents and Teachers Saints Alive! The Faith Proclaimed Saints Alive! The Gospel Witnessed Basic Catechism: FAQs About the Catholic Faith Saint Paul: The Thirteenth Apostle Saint Edith Stein: Blessed by the Cross Peace in Prayer: Wisdom from Teresa of Avila



