I wrote Woman Who glows in the Dark because I wanted to share the powerful medicine in Curanderismo because there were no books available about a curandera's personal stories written by a practicing curandera (me) and to emphazie that curanderismo is the Medicine of the people. I have walked in both worlds, Western Medicine (RN, BSN, MSN) AND CURANDERISMO. This is the medicine of the South and it took me to Mexico to study with powerful healers. I have been practicing Integrative medicine for many years and I needed to share the resutls of my studies and practice amd how I incorporate Western Medicine and Curanderismo and how inportant it is to invite soul and spirit in the healing sessions. I love to do platicas (heart to heart talks), Limpias (spiritual cleansing) and to treat Susto (soul fright) by doing soul retrivals. I have helped people re-member and reclaim all of who the are. My book includes powerful stories of the human spirit healing old traumas. I was born and raised in the barrios of El Paso and now live in the Enchanted land of Albuquerque, New Meico. I am also a poet, mother and grandmother. I am now ready to write specically on Soul Retrieval in my next book. May your soul be filled with light. Ometeotl