Dan Reeder


Hello. My name is Dan Reeder. I am a paper mâché artist living in Seattle, Washington. I have been doing my own non-traditional version of paper mâché for four decades. I've published several books on the subject. The two that are most current are, "Papier Mâché Monsters: Turning Trinkets and Trash into Magnificent Monstrosities", and "Paper Mache Dragons. The monster book is the most comprehensive. The dragon book more specialized for those who are mostly interested in making dragons. They both offer step-by-step instructions on how to make some great art. I have made many time-lapse videos of my projects which augment the books wonderfully. You can find them on Youtube. Just search my name or "Gourmet Paper Mache" (the name of my channel). My goal for many years has been to change the face of paper mâché from one of balloons and piggy banks to a medium with unlimited possibilities. Please check out my website, GourmetPaperMache.com, and my blog, PaperMacheBlog.com for more information. While paper mâché is my claim to fame, I'm most proud of my children's book, "William's Treasure." This is a story about a little dragon who lives a simple, carefree life. That is, until he encounters a mega-store during one of his wanderings. He life changes as he accumulates (hoards) all manner of "stuff."



