Michele Wood


Artist, educator, film maker, children’s book illustrator, and mentor, Michele Wood (b.1964) is best known for depicting moments in African American history as well as changing consciousness of the African American experience. With a career spanning over 30 years, this prolific artist continues to document the human experience with an unusually poetic soul-searching on African American history. For more than a decade, she has inspired the hearts and imagination of readers with her books, lectures at various places such as, Butler University in Indianapolis, IN, Festival of Faith and Writing at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, commissions from Arch Diocese of Chicago, entertained art patrons with her exhibits and educated students in her workshops and programs. From her new book Chasing Freedom new release January 2015 written by Nikki Grimes, Michele is now able to share not only her critically acclaimed creative vision but a very personal journey through faith devotion. Michele is attending Christian Theological Seminary for her graduate degree and she is the Artist in Residence. contact michele@michelewood.com web-site Michele Wood



