Richard M. Steinberg

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Richard M. Steinberg

Founder and CEO of Steinberg Governance Advisors, Inc., Rick Steinberg is an internationally recognized expert on governance, risk management and compliance. He advises boards of directors of major multinational, large and middle market companies on board responsibilities and governance best practices, and senior managements on governance, risk management, control and compliance. Previously he was a senior partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers and the leader of its corporate governance advisory practice. He also was a founder of PwC’s risk management and control consulting practice, and served as its global leader. And he was a founder and leader of PwC’s U.S. Strategic Risk Services practice developing and implementing clients’ risk management processes.

As an expert in internal control and risk management, Steinberg led development of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) two landmark reports, "Internal Control--Integrated Framework," and "Enterprise Risk Management – Integrated Framework," recognized as standards for effective internal control and risk management.

Steinberg has authored numerous other highly acclaimed reports, including "Corporate Governance and the Board—What Works Best," its companion, "Audit Committee Effectiveness—What Works Best," and his latest work "Governance, Risk Management and Compliance: It Can’t Happen to Us – Avoiding Corporate Disaster While Driving Success." He is quoted in the financial press – including Business Week, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones MarketWatch, CNN Money, Institutional Investor, Investors Business Daily, and the Financial Times – is a monthly columnist for Compliance Week, and is an active and sought-after speaker by major companies and business and professional organizations. He has been featured on CNBC TV’s Morning Call and Bloomberg TV’s On the Markets and The Bloomberg Report, and has guest lectured at such leading business schools as Auburn, Columbia, Delaware, Duke, MIT, NYU and UCLA.

Steinberg is a member of the Open Compliance and Ethics Group Executive Advisory Panel, co-founder of the Directors’ College presented by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the University of Delaware Center for Corporate Governance, and served as a member of the Conference Board's Global Corporate Governance Research Center Advisory Board and as co-chair of Corporate Board Member’s Academic Council.

Mr. Steinberg is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, and holds an MBA from New York University's Graduate School of Business.
