PIONEERING SHAMANIC TEACHER & BRIDGE BUILDER For over 55 years, Dr. Tom Pinkson has been a bridge between ancient wisdom and Indigenous ways based on sacred reciprocity and Earth teachings, and out-of-balance Eurocentric society. From his pioneering work in psychedelics at UC Berkeley to, helping to found the first Hospice program in the United States, and bringing the Vision Quest to greater awareness as a tool for reconnecting with the web of life and restoring the sacred hoop, Tom continues to work as a shamanic mentor, ceremonial leader, and spiritual medicine teacher. He is an authentic, historic, and inspired voice in the work of honoring Earth and restoring the Sacred Hoop. HUICHOL SHAMAN For over half a century, Tom has traveled the globe studying indigenous shamanic wisdom ways, including work with Native American medicine men and women and completion of an 11-year apprenticeship with Guadalupe de la Cruz, a renowned Huichol mara’ akame (shaman), whose life was devoted to sharing the ways passed down to her by her ancestors. A NEW VISION of LIVING Through the teachings Tom was given, his work is anchored around inspiring a New Vision of Living, one of sacred reciprocity anchored by ancient wisdom, integrated with modern learning and potential. With B.A., M.S. and Ph.D degrees, as well as studies from the Jungles of Peru to the Yukon, Polynesia, Brazil, South East Asia, throughout the United States and Europe, Tom’s work blends western psychology, contemporary and ancient wellness practices, brain science and quantum physics, to help people wake up and remember to live from the truth of who and what we are: that we are love and love is for giving. He is an author of five books; has been a keynote speaker at conferences on plant medicine, spirituality, and shamanism; is a member of the Elders Council; and is the founder of Rites of Recognition for Elders, A New Vision of Living Foundation, and the Live Love Now Flow Fund. Tom lives in Santa Barbara, California with his wife of 54 years, Andrea, and near to his children and grandsons.