Tony Butt


Tony Butt is an expert on swell forecasting, surf science and the coastal environment. He holds a PhD in physical oceanography, and worked in coastal research for ten years. He has published hundreds of articles on oceanography, meteorology, environmental issues and the psychology of surfing in many international publications. He has worked as forecaster for major surfing websites including Magicseaweed and Surfline, and currently runs courses on oceanography and meteorology for surfers and coastal users, which he has delivered in several countries around the world. Tony has been surfing as long as he can remember, and likes small waves as well as big ones. He has pioneered numerous European big-wave spots, and spent 18 years in an endless winter between the Iberian and Cape Peninsulas. He has appeared in many documentaries and videos on big-wave surfing. He is also an environmental activist, and works with major NGOs including the Surfrider Foundation and Save the Waves, to try to convince people that the more we interfere with the coast, the more problems it will cause us. He is currently Surf Ambassador and activist at Patagonia, and lives in a forgotten corner of northwest Spain.



