MITCHELL ALBALA is author of "The Landscape Painter's Workbook: Essential Studies in Shape, Composition, and Color" (Rockport Publishing, 2021), which is currently the #1 selling book on the subject at Amazon; and "Landscape Painting: Essential Concepts and Techniques for Plein Air and Studio Practice" (Watson-Guptill, 2009), which has also been has been a best seller in its category for over 10 years. Find out more about his work at his website: Mitchell is also a respected painter and workshop instructor. His semi-abstract and atmospheric landscapes have been exhibited nationally and are represented in corporate and private collections. In addition to leading outdoor painting workshops in Italy, he also teaches throughout the Pacific Northwest, and online. He has lectured on Impressionism and landscape painting at the Seattle Art Museum and has written for "International Artist" and "Artists & Illustrators" magazines. He also hosts a popular painting blog, which is among's "Top 100 Painting Blogs for Artists."