Vladimir Antonov


Vladi­mir Anto­nov was born in 1946 in Saint Peters­burg, Rus­sia. After gradu­at­ing from the Saint Peters­burg State Uni­versity as a bio-eco­lo­gist, he worked for many years in such fields of sci­ence as bio­logy, medi­cine, eco­logy. He re­ceived a Ph.D. in bio­logy. In par­tic­u­lar, he cre­ated a new ef­fect­ive sys­tem of psych­ic­al self-reg­u­la­tion based on work with the chakras and me­ridi­ans. Gradu­ally Dr.Anto­nov re-dir­ec­ted his search of a sci­ent­ist-bio­lo­gist — in­to the field of spir­itu­al know­ledge: study of non-in­carn­ated forms of life, in­clud­ing God, and dir­ect cog­ni­tion of God in His dif­fer­ent Mani­fest­a­tions. As a res­ult, Dr.Anto­nov cre­ated the new branch of mod­ern sci­ence — Meth­od­o­logy of Spir­itu­al De­vel­op­ment. Vladi­mir Anto­nov is known for his many books and films ded­ic­ated to theo­logy, spir­itu­al evol­u­tion­al an­thro­po­logy, the­ory and prac­tices of spir­itu­al growth; at present these ma­ter­i­als are trans­lated in­to many lan­guages and are known in al­most all coun­tries of the Earth.



