Some folks call me a Visionary Pragmatist, others call me a Pragmatic Visionary, or one of the Retrospective Goddesses. I like to think of myself as helping to build capability and capacity for resilience and learning with teams, leaders, and organizations. I prefer to collaborate. And I'm co-author of six books. * Lead without Blame: Building Resilient Learning Teams * Liftoff 2nd ed.: Start and Sustain Successful Agile Teams *Agile Retrospectives, second edition: A Practical Guide for Catalyzing Team Learning and Improvement *Five Rules for Accelerated Learning *Agile Fluency® Model co-originator *The Art of Agile Development, second edition, contributor Drawing on 30+ years of experience working with technical professionals and leaders, I engage with the challenges that emerge at the intersection of team improvement, learning, and leadership. I discover solutions and possibilities where others find only barriers and obstacles. Here's some official stuff: As a Roaming Leadership Agility Advisor, Diana Larsen works alongside leaders to build their proficiency in shaping environments for productive, resilient teams and accelerate organizational learning. She delivers keynote talks, as well as consulting and mentoring services.