Victoria lynn Weston is a trusted intuitive and psychic consultant who provides insights for individuals, business owners and executives. As a motivational speaker, she teaches executives how to tap into their own power of intuition to make successful marketing strategies, investments or hiring the right employee. Victoria is also a film/video producer whose works include "America's Victoria, Remembering Victoria Woodhull" featuring Gloria Steinem and Kate Capshaw. And,"The Intuitive Factor; Genius or Chance" featuring Gary Zukav and parapsychologist Jeffrey Mishlove. These programs were featured on PBS Television, The Wisdom Channel and Canadian Broadcasts. Victoria has been a radio host of "Power Predictions" in Atlanta, Georgia and a featured guest on dozens of radio, television shows and print media including; the Atlanta PARADE magazine, The Atlanta Business Journal, ABC Talk Radio; CNBC; BUSINESS WEEK Online; INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE, WIRED NEWS and THE NEW YORK TIMES. She has worked as a professional psychic/intuitive consultant also known as "the corporate psychic" for 15 years. Victoria is also the President and Founder of Victoria launched Zoie Films, a film/video production company to produce historical and contemporary programs which have been broadcast on PBS, and Canadian stations. As a screenwriter, Victoria wrote a feature screenplay centered on the life of Victoria Woodhull got the attention of Oliver Stone. She then followed the path to Reality Television, writing a series of psychic themed TV reality proposals including; "World's Greatest Psychic," "Matrix" and "Psychic Eye-Q", which caught the attention of ABC, MTV and Game Show executives. She is also the author of Selecting Your Psychic, From MainStreet to Wallstreet; now available in digital format. NEWS: Victoria with her team from Studio Carlton created a new version of Zener Card Psychic Test - "Are You Psychic?" for participants to test and develop their ESP, clairvoyant skills exclusively for Amazon Alexa! In the Amazon search bar, type: "Are You Psychic?". Or, copy and past this link: