Earl Ofari Hutchinson

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Noted Political analyst Earl Ofari Hutchinson featured interviews and comments on race and politics have appeared in: Time Newsweek New York Times ABC's World News Tonight. He has been a guest analyst on: Fox News John Gibson Show, O'Reilly Show, Hannity & Colmes, Glenn Beck Show, PBS Lehrer Report, NPR's Talk of the Nation and CNN News Shows. He is the National Political Writer for New America Media and a regular contributor to: the Huffington Post

His four most recent books - including the first book in The Hutchinson Report E-book Series.

* How the NRA Terrorizes Congress - The NRAs Subversion of the Gun Control Debate

* How Obama Governed: The Year of Crisis and Challenge

* How Obama Won

* The Ethnic Presidency: How Race decides the Race to the White House
